![Gaming Perspectives With Saul and Jolene Episode 137: Liminal RPG](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2593019/Episode_137_Liminal_RPG_Splash87883_300x300.jpg)
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Gaming Perspectives With Saul and Jolene Episode 137: Liminal RPG
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
In this episode Saul and Jolene discuss the Liminal RPG by Paul Mitchener. It is a modern urban fantasy RPG set in England. Saul received a free PDF from Modiphius and it garnered enough of an interest that Saul bought a physical copy of the rules. Saul ran the game twice in two days over a weekend and the game was well liked by the players in two different groups.
Saul and Jolene cover the rules, the setting content and how what they liked about the game. Of course Saul digresses a couple of times but Jolene is there to get him back on track.
The creator of the game, Paul Mitchener has another RPG on Kickstarter, a post apocalyptic game called Out of the Ashes, with a 11 days left at the time of publishing this episode. It uses a similar simple system used in Liminal but instead of 2d6 die mechanic, Paul switches to a 2D10 die mechanic. The RPG is funded and now is just unlocking stretch goals. Check it out.
As Always thanks for listening and all we ask is the you share our podcast.
Music by David Cohen, song Hidden in Plain Sight.
Available from Tribeofnoise.com
![Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 136: GMing Styles](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2593019/Episode_136_GMing_Style_Splashbeum0_300x300.jpg)
Sunday Jan 24, 2021
Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 136: GMing Styles
Sunday Jan 24, 2021
Sunday Jan 24, 2021
In this episode Saul and Jolene talk about GMing Styles. Saul and Jolene discuss how your GMing style impacts the games that you run from type of adventure to actual the RPG that you like to run. Your GMing style not only determines the adventures and RPG game you run but the players that you run games for.
Some players may not want to play in certain types of games and your GMing Style should coincide with your players. If it does not then either the GM or the players will not find the game very engaging or fun.
Saul and Jolene discuss how you can mitigate any problems that arise from your GM Style and players desires.
As Always Thank you all for listening and please share our podcast with friends and family.
Music by L-xir, song Crush Style.
Available from Tribeofnoise.com
![Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 135: Playing More Than One Character](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2593019/Episode_135_More_than_One_Character_Splashbifu8_300x300.jpg)
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 135: Playing More Than One Character
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
In this episode Saul and Jolene discuss playing more than one character in a RPG. Saul begins the discussion with playing back in the ole days of D&D where people would "play" a character of a player that could not make the session. Saul admits they really didn't RP those characters but just went through the mechanics of playing the missing players character.
From there Saul talks about friends playing with more than one character due to not being able to attend games on a regular basis and would instead play with his brother, a GM and one player. Saul discussed how playing like that made it necessary for the player to play more than one character.
The discussion moves to reasons why player today might want to play more than one character from not wanting to have any down time, to completing a "balanced" party.
As Always thank you all for listening and please share our podcast with family and friends.
Music by Jim Gaven, song More For You and Me, from the album Gift of Love
![Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode134 New RPGs in 2021 Part Two](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/2593019/podcast_final_copy2_99_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode134 New RPGs in 2021 Part Two
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
Part two of New RPGs for 2021. Well new RPGs that Saul is really looking forward to in 2021. In a more quick shotgun style of listing games, Saul rattles through more RPGs that are slated to be published via Kickstarter, pre-order or traditional publishing.
As Always, thanks for listening and all we ask is that you share our podcast.
Music by Nathan Brumley, song Games That Play Us, album Shay Watson.
Available at Tribeofnoise.com
For more info on the games talked about follow the links below:
Iron Kingdoms: https://home.privateerpress.com/ikrpgrequiem/
Stargate RPG: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/wyvrengaming/stargate-roleplaying-game
Altered Carbon RPG: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/huntersbooks/altered-carbon-the-role-playing-game
Interface Zero: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/821979583/interface-zero-30
Dune 2D20 RPG: https://www.modiphius.com/dune.html
The One Ring 2nd Edition. There is no real official information on the 2nd edition by Free League but here is an interview with the designer of the first edition on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaRwhmAw95o
Pendragon 6th Edition: https://www.chaosium.com/blogthe-adventure-of-the-great-hunt-a-quickstart-preview-of-greg-staffords-ultimate-edition-for-the-pendragon-rpg/
Pathfinder for Savage Worlds: https://www.peginc.com/big-surprise-for-savage-worlds-announcement-thanksgiving/
Werewolf 5th Edition: https://www.renegadegamestudios.com/news/2019/12/7/werewolf-the-apocalypse-5th-edition-coming-in-2021
Root the RPG: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/magpiegames/root-the-tabletop-roleplaying-game
![Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 133: New RPGs for 2021 Part One](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2593019/Episode_133_New_RPGs_for_2021_part_1_Splash82mwu_300x300.jpg)
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
Happy New Years to Everyone. In this episode Saul and Jolene discuss, well mainly Saul does, the most anticipated games for Gaming Perspectives. Not even covering all the RPGs that are slated to be published in 2021, Saul and Jolene discuss over two podcasts the RPGs they are most interested in playing or running.
Discussed in this episode are Flames of Freedom Kickstarted in the 2nd half of 2020 will be published in 2021.
More info at: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/grimandperilous/flames-of-freedom-powered-by-zweihander-rpg
The next game Saul is looking forward so is Beowulf: Age of Heroes. Saul really liked the art of Jon Hodges, who did the are for The One Ring published by Cubicle 7. He started Handiwork Games to publish is projects from RPG gaming tiles to Beowulf. The main thing that sets Beowulf from other games is that this is for one GM and one player. Using the super popular 5th edition rules heavily modified for fun adventures with a single player taking the role of a heroic character to battle evil. Filled with his art the book promises to be a beautiful RPG book.
More info at:
The third game discussed is Twilight 2000 a game that first saw the light of day in the 1980s by GDW. It is a crunchy game. GDW published lots of supplements such as adventures, stats for arms, vehicles and different settings. Free League the makers of Tales from the Loop, Mutant Year Zero and other great games is working on the newest edition of Twilight 2000. They are keeping the 2000 time line, and are using a modified version of their house rules that power their games.
For more info:
Saul talked so much about those games, the other games to be covered had to be pushed back to another episode, Part 2.
As Always, thank you all for listening, please share our podcast and Happy New Year to Everyone!
May this year be better than the last.
Music by Timbrelane, song Wargames off album American Vain.
Available from Tribeofnoise.com
![Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 132: Experience in RPGs](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2593019/Episode_132_Experience_in_RPGs_Splashbguic_300x300.jpg)
Monday Dec 28, 2020
Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 132: Experience in RPGs
Monday Dec 28, 2020
Monday Dec 28, 2020
In this episode Saul and Jolene talk about the evolution of Experience in RPGs. Saul starts the conversation talking about how Original D&D dolled out the experience. Using D&D as one example of how experience has changed and how it is earned in D&D.
Saul and Jolene discuss other games and how they dealt with experience. From old games like Space Opera and Traveller to Shadowrun. Also discussed is newer games and how GMs are almost left out of the equation of giving out or determining XP. Games like Tales From the Loop and The One Ring are good examples of games where the GM is slightly removed from having to give out experience.
As Always we would like to thank all of you for listening and we wish you a great Holiday and a Happy New Year.
Music by His Best Shot, song Experience, off the album We're Better Than Our History.
Available from Tribeofnoise.com
![Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 131: Characters and Stats](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2593019/Episode_131_Characters_and_Stats9bnji_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Dec 19, 2020
Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 131: Characters and Stats
Saturday Dec 19, 2020
Saturday Dec 19, 2020
In this episode Saul and Jolene discuss roleplaying a character using their stats or attributes as a framework for their RP. Saul and Jolene also discuss how it can be difficult to roleplay a character that is for example, smarter or more charming than the player and what they can do to overcome this obstacle.
As always, we would like to thank you for listening and all we ask is that you share our podcast.
Music by Franco Pellegrini, Song Historia.
Available from Tribeofnoise.com
![Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 130: Technology and Gaming](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2593019/Episode_130_Technology_and_Gaming7jbh6_300x300.jpg)
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 130: Technology and Gaming
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
With the current pandemic situation the only type of gaming many are facing in online gaming. So Saul and Jolene decided to talk about what they have tried and what else is out there for gamers to get their RPG fix and stay safe.
As always thanks for listening and all we ask is that you share our podcast.
![Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 129: Short Game Sessions](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2593019/Episode_129_Short_Sessions_Splash8ryuf_300x300.jpg)
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 129: Short Game Sessions
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
In this episode Saul and Jolene discuss the planning a short session adventure. They discuss a short 4 hour 3 session game and the game con favorite the four hour session/adventure. Running a complete adventure in either length game is much different than running a typical long running campaign style game.
Saul and Jolene go over elements need in running a short session game to a satisfactory conclusion. If you are used to running long campaigns or most commercial modules those usually are intended to rule in a much longer format compared to an adventure where you are really limited on how much time you have to run your game. Whether at a convention or in a situation where you only have a limited amount of time to complete your adventure.
As Always thank you for listening and please share our podcast
Music by IV The Polymath, song New Sessions.
Available from Tribeofnoise.com
![Gaming Perspectives With Saul and Jolene Episode 128: Call of Cthulhu RPG](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2593019/Episode_128_CoC_Rpg_Splash7x8ko_300x300.jpg)
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Gaming Perspectives With Saul and Jolene Episode 128: Call of Cthulhu RPG
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
After playing a few session of Call of Cthulhu games run but a couple different GM's, Saul and Jolene decided to talk about their experiences with CoC. Saul goes to the way back machine to 1980's and how he felt when he first encountered a group of CoC players at the first game con, Pacificon, he and his friends attended.
Flash forward to the present where Saul and Jolene played in several games and really had a good time with CoC once they realized certain aspects of roleplaying in a CoC game differ from more heroic adventure RPGs like D&D.
As Always Thanks for listening and all we ask is that you Share our Podcast.
Music by SubBass, song Cthulhu and Friends.
Available from Tribeofnoise.com