![Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 72: The Evolution of the Game Store](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2593019/Episode_72_Game_Store_Splash_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Oct 26, 2019
Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 72: The Evolution of the Game Store
Saturday Oct 26, 2019
Saturday Oct 26, 2019
Hobby Game Stores have evolved from the small mom and pop store of the 1970's and 80's. Saul and Jolene discuss how they have had to evolve from those small hobby shop game stores that have mainly gone the way of the dinosaurs. In today's small profit margins and competition from online sales they can't, like other retail establishments, do business the same old way.
Saul relates the two old style hobby game stores from when he was a kid. Neither one of those two stores remain, but instead we have bigger and more inviting game store that have to be that way to remain in business.
Saul and Jolene discuss the changes that are made by successful game stores, the three that they patronize follow the model of being a center for the gaming community. From having nice clean, well lit places to play to some offering cafe and bars in their establishments. A long way from the old hobby store that had stacks of Avalon wargames and badly organized rpg books thrown haphazardly on a few shelves.
Saul and Jolene talk about several game stores they like and Saul found one that is seemingly not shedding the non engaging store owner more interesting in talking with his friends than possible customers.
As always thanks for listening and all we ask is that you share our podcast with your family and friends.
Music composed by KickSta, song Drive To You.
Available at Tribeofnoise.com
![Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Bonus Episode: Mark S. Talks About Arduin](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2593019/Bonus_Episode_Mark_S_Arduin_Splash_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
After the interview with Mark Schynert where he mentioned Arduin Grimoire, Saul got many questions on social media about Mark Schynert's involvement with Arduin Grimoire and its creator David Hargrave. Saul and Jolene decided to invite him back to the microphone to talk exclusively about Arduin and creator Dave Hargrave. David passed away in 1988 while he was working on his beloved Arduin Grimoire RPG game. Those that knew and played with David decided to publish as a tribute of sorts.
Mark volunteered to edit the mass amount of material that David had written. This was no easy endeavor as David wrote more than could be published in two volumes. It is an amazing commitment to an friend to do the work that needed to be done to get the last incarnation of Dave's Arduin rpg game published. In 1992 the Opus for Dave Hargrave's Arduin was published.
Thanks for listening and all we ask is that you share our podcast with family and friends.
![Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 71: Alien RPG](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2593019/Episode_71_Alien_RPG_Splash_300x300.jpg)
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 71: Alien RPG
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
In this episode Saul and Jolene talk about the upcoming Alien RPG by Free League, the creators of Mutant Year Zero, Tales From the Loop and others. Saul got the Cinematic Starter Kit which is a 173 page PDF that contains all the rules to run an Alien one-shot. From the rules, adventure and pregen characters this PDF contains everything to run a 4-5 hour session.
Saul really liked the game, from the simple system, the "Stress" and "Panic" mechanic and the adventure. Even the character sheet got high marks from Saul. Jolene really liked the game, played in one session and saw another session which was run at a local game con.
At both session the game was well received and everyone really thought the system and the setting really worked. If you pre-ordered the book you should get it in late November in Europe or early December in the U.S. Shortly there after you should see it in game stores.
If you plan on playing in the adventure in the Cinematic Starter Kit. There are SPOILERS of a sort, but nothing too specific and it is called "Alien" rpg.
As Always Thanks for Listening and all we ask is that you Share our Podcast with Family and Friends.
Music by Alexander Ahura, song Alien Stars, off the album The Planet Zombotron.
Available from Tribeofnoise.com
![Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Bonus Episode: Stephen Price is Rising Phoenix Game Con.](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2593019/Bonus_Episode_Stephen_RPGCon_Splash_300x300.jpg)
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
In this episode we talk with Stephen Price again as our first recording was half eaten by the podcast gods. In this episode we talk about the new game con called Rising Phoenix Game Con in Milford Massachusetts coming in April 17-19 2020. From the beginnings the group putting this game convention wanted it to be a bit different. They want their attendees to be immersed in the gaming world. Coming from LARP roots these game con creators are working to make it seem like your going to a Renaissance Faire. They are working to offer a wide variety of Roleplaying Games to their attendees along with boardgames and even miniature games.
Stephen Price is part of the committee that is putting on Rising Phoenix Game Con. He chats with us about the vision of their group. We also discuss what they are looking for in GMs for their con and the type of Con experience they are trying to give their attendees.
Some ideas that tell us this group is really thinking they have two separate room blocks. One block for the die hard gamers that want that max experience with lots of games and little sleep. And a quiet block of rooms for those that actually want to sleep, like more than a few hours or have a small children that really need a quiet setting.
As always thanks for listening and all we ask is that you share our podcast with family and friends.
You can go to the Rising Phoenix Web page here https://risingphoenixgamecon.com/
Stephen's Gaslands Esty page can be found here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/SDPCreate
Music by Mark Subbotin, song Phoenix off the album Wandering Soul.
Available at https://www.tribeofnoise.com/
![Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 70: Miniatures in Gaming](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2593019/Episode_70_Miniatures_Splash_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Oct 12, 2019
Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 70: Miniatures in Gaming
Saturday Oct 12, 2019
Saturday Oct 12, 2019
Saul and Jolene talk about miniatures in gaming from RPGs to Wargames to Boardgames. Miniatures are one of the first accessories for games. They not only make the games look cool but they are very useful in all aspects of hobby gaming. Saul and Jolene talk about how useful miniatures can be and some problems with miniatures.
As always thanks for listening and please share our podcast with family and friends.
Our son Augustin's big Pathfinder Con game used Reaper Bones 1 miniatures.
To design your own figure go to https://www.heroforge.com/
A good beginner how to paint miniatures video is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-BlVYFxfRA
There are many other videos available.
Music by Jennings, song Figure Me Out, album Story Book EP
available at https://www.tribeofnoise.com/member.php
![Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Bonus Episode: Jayson and Ron Creators of Wizardz Bluff](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2593019/Bonus_Episode_Jay_and_Ron_Splash_300x300.jpg)
Friday Oct 11, 2019
Friday Oct 11, 2019
In this episode Saul and Jolene talk to Jayson and Ron Smith the creators of Wizardz Bluff. Saul and Jolene met Jayson and Ron at Kublacon this past year as they were demoing their game Wizardz Bluff which will be going live on Kickstarter on October 15th. We decided to chat with them how they started gaming and how that went from players to game creators. These two brothers have a love of gaming that really shows in how they talk about games in their lives.
As usual thank you all for listening and please share our podcast with family and friends.
You can check out Jayson and Ron's game before their Kickstarter goes live at
![Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 69: Consent in Gaming](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2593019/Episode_69_Consent_Splash_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Oct 05, 2019
Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 69: Consent in Gaming
Saturday Oct 05, 2019
Saturday Oct 05, 2019
In this week's episode is about Monte Cook's free PDF called "Consent In Gaming." Saul and Jolene talk about this pdf that is only 13 pages but is a very important addition to the gaming hobby.
Saul talks about how his perspective has changed over the years and how he may not have needed or felt he needed this years ago but is very especially pertinent in this new era of rpgs and the new players it is attracting.
As always thank you all for listening and all we ask is that you share our podcast with family and friends.
You can get the pdf "Consent in Gaming" here: https://www.montecookgames.com/store/product/consent-in-gaming/
Music by Dan T Harp, song Understanding Bound off the album Face Down in a Pool of Dreams.
Available at https://www.tribeofnoise.com/
![Gaming Perspectives With Saul and Jolene Episode 68: Even Good Games Have Problems](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2593019/Episode_68_Good_Games_Splash_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Sep 28, 2019
Gaming Perspectives With Saul and Jolene Episode 68: Even Good Games Have Problems
Saturday Sep 28, 2019
Saturday Sep 28, 2019
In this episode Saul and Jolene talk about Good Games that had problems. Yes even games that went well can have problems. The main point of this discussion is that we can learn from the problems we have in our games.
Jolene remembers her son's Chess teacher sharing that there are only Winners and Learners. Losing was not a word he used because he said if you learn you don't lose. Saul agrees with the idea that as GMs you can learn from your good games but you can really learn from your problems in your RPG games.
As always thanks for listening and all we ask is that you share our podcast with Family and Friends.
Music by Ron Gelinas, Song Learning to Learn
Available at https://www.tribeofnoise.com/
![Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Bonus Episode Interview with Chris. S Author of The Black Void RPG](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2593019/Bonus_Episode_Chris_Splash_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Sep 28, 2019
Saturday Sep 28, 2019
In this episode Saul and Jolene interview Christoffer Sevaldsen the creator of The Black Void RPG. Saul and Jolene ask about Christoffer gaming roots, and find that like many gamers he started playing at a young age. Saul of course shows his knowledge of world geography and confuses Sweden for Denmark. Christoffer discusses his path from homebrew to publishing a completely original role-playing game. It is a story of a labor of love that becomes a dream come true, these stories are pretty fantastic.
As always Thank You all for listening and all we ask is that you share our podcast with Family and Friends.
You can get The Black Void here: http://blackvoidgames.com/
Christoffer mentioned Fragged Empire as an inspiration. You can find that RPG here: :http://www.fraggedempire.com/
Christoffer also used The Crowd Sorceress book which you can find here: https://thecrowdsourceress.com/
Music by Razbaque Dirge, song The Void off the album Miss Katonic and the Deep Ones
Available at Tribeofnoise.com
![Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 67: Game Balance in RPGs](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2593019/Episode_67_Balance_in_RPGs_300x300.jpg)
Sunday Sep 22, 2019
Gaming Perspectives with Saul and Jolene Episode 67: Game Balance in RPGs
Sunday Sep 22, 2019
Sunday Sep 22, 2019
In this episode Saul and Jolene discuss the idea of Game Balance in RPGs. What does it mean, how is it employed and does it matter? Saul, as always, talks about his early RPG experiences and how game balance just kind of happened organically. As always Jolene reigns in Saul's trip down memory lane and bring his back to the topic.
Thank you for listening and all we ask is that you share our podcast with your family and friends.
No music as freemusicarchive was acquired by another company.